Bridgetown Historical Society Inc.

The Bridgetown Historical Society Inc. has been the keeper of Bridgetown’s history for many years.
To encourage the study and writing of WA History, in particular of Bridgetown and its surrounding areas
To collect, classify and preserve records pertaining to Bridgetown history
To share information among members of the Society by readings, discussions, lectures and exhibitions of historical material
To promote public support of preservation of historical relics, & recognition of notable anniversaries of WA history
To establish and maintain a historical museum(s) in Bridgetown
To publish articles/selected records/publications approved by the Society
To fund, subsidise, or contribute to, any institution, scholarship or prize, which meets these objectives of the Society
The current collection includes 1000s of historical photographs and 100s of objects and ephemera, some in the Bridgetown Police Station 1880 Museum, the remainder stored in the BHS office at the Yornup School House, Bridgetown. The collection is ever growing as donations are accepted from generous donors in the Shire and beyond.
The Committee and members meet on the second Thursday of every month at 10:00 AM.
The current committee comprises:
Mary Elgar - Chair
Leigh Carroll - Vice-Chair
Lorie Marshall - Treasurer
Richard Allen - Secretary
Barbara Maher
Simon Walker
Lee Wittenoom
All members are welcome to attend and participate in the committee meetings (though you won't have voting rights). The meetings are a friendly get together.
Annual membership fees are $15 for new members and $12 for membership renewals.
Bridgetown Historical Society Inc. has an active Facebook page where information is shared.
Groups are welcome to visit Bridgetown Police Station 1880 Museum. Special arrangements can also be made to conduct tours of the town and host talks and information sessions.