Bridgetown Historical Society Inc.
The Gazetting of Bridgetown
Bridgetown was gazetted in June 1868. Its history is rich and varied, with residents coming from every social class throughout those years.
To celebrate the sesquicentenary of gazettal, Bridgetown Historical Society undertook an oral history project to demonstrate how a community was formed, what sustained it and how it grew into the vibrant town we now live in.
Forty-three residents, both past and present, were interviewed and their stories, along with stories... taken in the 1930s, 1970s and 1980s, have been woven into the chronicle of this town, showing that communities will survive if they care for each other, volunteer gladly and grasp opportunities when they appear.
It is a tribute to the early settlers who were not put off by adversity, and the past and present Bridgetonians who chose to live here and make Bridgetown their home.
The book, A Mere Country Village, was published in 2018.
Available in paperback for $35 or as an ebook.
Paperback books can be purchased for $35 by emailing bridgetownhistory@iinet.net.au
(add $12.95 for postage within Australia).
The ebook is available for $9.99 from The Book Merchant
Paperbacks are also available from the Visitors Centre Bridgetown,
Manjimup Newsagency, Busselton Visitors Centre, Nannup Visitors Centre
and the Royal Western Australian Historical Society in Nedlands